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Another Time, Another Place   |   Mimic花园 小小世界

Collaborators: Daniel Xu, Ming-Jen Hsueh

Role: Landscape Architect

Status: 2016 Taipei Fine Arts Museum X-Site Public Art Installation Competition Submission

Location: Taiwan

Another Time, Another Place attempts to imagine architectural structures from a landscape perspective. Thinking from the elements of nature and space, and re-interpreting people’s perception towards landscape and architecture, the project hopes to create a small Oasis/Xanadu (世外桃源) in the heart of Taipei City.


In response to X-SITE's theme "Meeting Point", this installation proposal attempts to design three connected secret gardens that provide shelter, resting points, shading, and various activities for visitors to enjoy. The design also tries to bring back the symbolism of “Meeting” in its original form, as before streets and buildings, we often rely on natural elements/nature as our benchmark, such as “Meeting under the peach tree, at the big rock, or in the market along the river”. Each "Small World" is a meeting point, created with multi-level visual fostering exploration of space, allowing visitors to discover and be discovered serendipitously. The conversion and overlap of each garden enrich the spatial memory of each curated space for the audience.


"Time" is the key factor that determines our meetups. Through objects, language, images, and films, people are reminded of the past (Another time) and retrieve memories. Our work wishes to represent the concept of “aging” in the natural form, using trees with (bamboo) branches, stones with gravel and soil, and cast nets as significant cultural representations of Taiwanese life with burlap and twine. These paired elements are both abstract and concrete reminders to the audience that the concept of time is in the traces of nature.


"Space" hosts our interactions with the city. Our touch, hearing, and smell create spatial memories (Another place). This work is a re-interpretation of common meeting grounds, introducing new experiences for visitors through traditionally used elements in the daily lives of Taiwanese people. The tensions applied on the fishing net threads vary, paired with densely and loosely designed patterns, the light and shadow form effects of water ripples, creating a dynamic contrast.


With the concept of the deconstruction of materials, the most primitive forms and expressions are used to simulate (Mimic) native geometries and rhythms, to reveal and appreciate the details of natural elements. By threading between evenly distributed nodes on the top and bottom rails, and canopy creates a contrast of light and heavy materials, transforming familiar rhythms into a new spatial experience. It is also a demonstration of forming meeting spaces through points, lines, and surfaces. The Urban Woods and Mini Farm Gardens use simple geometric matrices such as wooden crates as layout modules. By adding natural elements to the designs, these gardens are transformed into living interactive spaces. They become the desirable spots for any meetups and gatherings.

Ultimately, we wish to foster interaction among visitors and education within the community through our design. Through arranged events and activities, we can teach the community about plants, urban farming and the benefit of trees in our city. We can also host farm-to-table pop-ups, and turn the fruitful garden delights into delicious hor d'oeuvres. Through weaving classes, people can learn about local traditions and bring home souvenirs. The welcome lawn (Hello Mat) will act as the invitation to this installation, utilizing the concept of Tactical Urbanism to activate the entrance plaza of the Taipei Fine Arts Museum.

本作品尝试从景观角度呈现建筑对自然的想象,从自然的元素与空间发想,重新诠释山水人文的小小异想世界。 响应 X-SITE 的主题『会面点』,本作品尝试在北美馆入口平台,设计出 三个独立且分离的秘密花园,赋予凉意、停驻、遮蔽功能性的公共空间;也尝试诠释过往 相约那棵桃树下、河岸大石边约会或是市场买菜时那种相约或不期而遇的美好。 每个「 小小世界」内看似开放, 却有着多层次视觉或空间上「可视不可及」的体验经验,藉由材料间 的转换与迭换,丰富每个空间在观众心中的空间记忆。 “时间”是决定人与人碰面或是相遇的关键因素, 人们透过照片、回忆或是情感, 想要遗忘或 是提醒过去(Another time) 。

本作品以转换传统生活与所属空间体验的置换, 期待材料与场 所不可预期的碰撞。 以回收补渔网重新诠释山与水共存关系, 透过渔网的疏密与不同张 力的拉动呈现水波纹的光影效果, 创造动静的对比。 透过对于材料的解构, 采用最原始的形式与表现媒介仿真 (Mimic)自然几何与韵律, 带出 真实世界的细节。 纺织天幕尝试透过几何计算不同分割与角度的翻转, 将构筑与编织, 材料轻与重的对比, 透过点、线、面将我们熟悉的律动转化成可触的空 间。 树阵小森林与城市农场以简单的几何矩阵(木箱的单元堆栈)配合真实的自然(植物品种的高低), 创造多重尺度的视觉互动机会。 最后, 活动教学与互动的活动策划也是本作品的理念之一。 透过事前安排的 小区课程, 安排城市农场的种植与教学。 藉由专业厨师的巧手, 将简单的春夏果实转变成 可口的夏日蔬食。 透过编织活动的教学, 可以将通透的天幕翻转成有个性的彩绘板。 欢迎垫是整个作品对于城市接口的一个响应, 以战术性激活城市策略(Tactical Urbanism)突破进入北美馆的广场平台的视觉与触觉体验。

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