Together Across Oceans: New York Hurricane Maria Memorial Concept
Polar 77: COLDSCAPES - New Visions for Cold Weather Cities
Another Time, Another Place: Taipei Fine Arts Museum X-Site Public Art Installation Concept
Deerfield Academy Athletics Complex Landscape (Sasaki)
Mountainview Farm Field Guide (RH)
Hemisphere Rocker
Collaborators: Daniel Xu
Role: Landscape Architect
Status: 2015 Jardins de Métis International Garden Festival Competition Entry
Location: Québec, Canada
We may find joy in play, nature, or through companionship at different times. While serendipity cannot be forced, we attempt to create spaces that bring pleasant surprises through people’s interactions with nature and social interactions among themselves.
The garden consists of 6 hemispherical planters designed to provide aesthetic pleasure and resting support to the garden visitors. The planters will be sited on the edge of the woods and filled with selected plants. The round bottom of the planters makes them swing up and down as different people sit on them. They tilt, turn, and rock, which can only reach equilibrium by a balanced weight on all sides. They are like rocking chairs in the woods. These dynamics and sharing are designed to make the experience more fun and promote interactions among visitors.
The installation will be located along the east-west axis, partially shaded by forest canopies. Their exact placement will be determined by the sun and shade distribution of the selected site paired with plant preferences. Each planter has a theme featuring the cultivated beauty and naturalist wilderness from the garden and the forest. Visitors will be able to wander freely among them. As Reford Gardens is described as “a plantsman’s cabinet of curiosities,” Hemisphere Rocker tries to renew that curiosity by creating new ways of displaying the plantings.
We wish to create a garden where visitors can encounter one another without pressure or pretense. They are free to play, rock with friends, laugh with family, spin, and let go.
Plant List
Allium Giganteum | Giant Globe Allium
Aquilegia caerulea ‘Music Blue & White’ | Columbine
Arabis caucasica | Wall Rock Cress
Astrantia major | Great Masterwort
Delphinium ‘Blue Bird’ | Pacific Giant Delphinium
Equisetum pratense | Meadow Horsetail
Geum triflorum | Prairie Smoke
Gypsophila paniculata | Baby’s Breath
Juncus effusus ‘Unicorn’ | Unicorn Rush
Lilium regale | Regal Lily
Matteuccia struthiopteris | Ostrich Fern
Molinia sp. | Moor Grass
Paeonia ‘Avant Garde’ | Peony
Paeonia lactiflora | Chinese Peony
Papaver orientale | Oriental Poppy
Petroselinum crispum | Garden Parsley
Rhus typhina | Staghorn Sumac
Rosmarinus officinalis | Rosemary
Sagina subulata | Irish Moss
Salvia officinalis | Garden Sage
Stachys byzantina | Lamb’s Ear
Thymus serpyllum | Wild Thyme
Veronica spicata ‘Blue Fox’ | Blue Fox Speedwell

Design Concept for 2017 Boston Architecture Expo Installation Competition Incorporating Hemisphere Rocker as an Site Element