ScenesLab is a design collective dedicated to placemaking. We examine the responsibilities, explore the possibilities, and push the boundaries of design in the built world through research and experimentation. We commit to a responsible and conscientious attitude toward the environment. Working with creatives and experts across the field, we seek a balance between nature, space, and people. Grounded in a culturally-sensitive approach and interdisciplinary practice, ScenesLab is determined to bring visionary projects to life.

Wendy Yifei Wang, PLA, ASLA, is the founder of ScenesLab. She is a landscape architect working between urbanism and details with a worldly mindset rooted in her global upbringing.
Passionate about creating spaces that reflect cultural identities, Wendy uses landscape as the primary medium to enhance site characteristics and imagine cities' futures. Wendy works hand in hand with planners, architects, and engineers, taking projects from the planning phase through concept design and construction. Wendy has collaborated with award-winning designers across the field, such as Aziza Chaouni Projects and HECTOR. Her projects have taken her on journeys across different regions of the world, ranging from ecology studies in Morocco to designing inclusive open spaces for immigrant and refugee communities in Philadelphia. The Bridge X project was selected as one of the three finalists for the Reimagining Brooklyn Bridge competition organized by the Van Alen Institute and the New York City Council. It came in second place during the public voting process. Buffalo Up! evaluated the life and death of aging infrastructure in a post-industrial city, asking critical questions about what roles designers and design should play in shaping future mobility and urban dwelling. Meanwhile, she is also working with the Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD) and Zhejiang University on a cross-disciplinary research project investigating the relationship between landscape, culture, and individual well-being. Before ScenesLab, she worked for leading design firms such as Sasaki Associates and Reed Hilderbrand, executing complex projects that span multiple scales in the United States and China.
Wendy's work has been featured in publications such as Urban Infill and the GSD Platform Series. She has also presented at regional and national conferences, such as the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) Convention and the ArchitectureBoston Expo (ABX). Projects that she played significant roles in were recognized by the Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative and various other organizations. While practicing, Wendy also taught courses and studios at the Boston Architectural College and Northeastern University.
Wendy is a registered landscape architect currently practicing in San Diego, California. She received her Master of Landscape Architecture from the GSD and holds a Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture with Distinction from Purdue University. She was awarded the ASLA Indiana Chapter Merit Certificate and University Olmsted Scholar upon graduation.
汪怡斐于2007-2014年间,分别毕业于普渡大学和哈佛设计学院。荣获景观设计杰出本科与硕士学位后,她曾任职于国际知名事务所Sasaki Associates与Reed Hilderbrand,涉足校园规划、滨水改造以及城市更新等多种项目类型的不同阶段的设计与管理工作。期间她与建筑师、工程师以及植物生态学家等合作默契,成效显著。她8年来潜心景观规划设计,主持并参与管理多项综合性开发及生态规划项目的设计与细化,她积累了丰富的中美两地实践经验。生于青岛,长在杭州,放眼全球,情归本土,扎根设计的情怀与力量, 让她倾心用设计理念诠释人文价值,丰富空间体验,提高生活质量,尤其2020年主持的纽约布鲁克林桥改造项目,与知名设计事务所BIG等一并入围前三甲的竞争,在大众公投中被票选为第二喜爱的方案。
汪怡斐是一名注册景观设计师,目前在南加州执业。她曾任教于Northeastern University和Boston Architectural College,并成立了设计研究合作社ScenesLab,意在研究与实践的结合,提升景观在城市更新与规划设计中的价值体现,建造" 源于生活, 释放生活, 归于生活"与城市一同成长的公共空间。
Current Team
Hao Liang, PLA, ASLA, is a landscape architect. In his past ten years of practice, he devoted efforts to creating resilient, meaningful, and engaging spaces balancing human comfort and ecological changes. Hao is passionate about storytelling. He believes a data-driven approach can help us make better-informed decisions in planning and design, especially when combatting urgent challenges such as social inequality and climate change. Hao is also an ISA Certified Arborist and endeavors to protect our urban forest.